" When you buy something from an artist you are buying more than an object. You are buying hundreds of hours of error and experimentation. You are buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You are not buying just a thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul...a piece of someone's life."

I read the piece above a few years ago and despite not knowing who the author is he/she couldn't have said it better...   

Each cake I design requires lots of planning and brainstorming. At times some research is involved as I create and test something new... but regardless of what kind of work is involved in the end my heart and soul went into creating you the best possible interpretation of your dream cake.


It is kind of a funny feeling if you ask me, but moments before the collection of the cake I get both excited and anxious wondering if the cake will make you smile as I hope it will.

Last weekend I finished the cake above - The Blue Stars Cake. I had to give it to my customer quickly without being able to chat as usual given our current restrictions (thanks Rona!).

To my surprise, she has left me lots and lots of fantastic reviews (which I am SOO grateful for) but this one, in particular, is so special it brought tears to my eyes... and even though I have received wonderful reviews and encouragement before I feel like this one has summarized my heart and everything I want to accomplish when I design a cake.

So I decided to share it (with her permission).

I am not proudly sharing this but rather in a very humble way, I want to encourage everyone who reads this to keep on sharing your amazing experiences with businesses (especially small ones), to verbalize your good feelings about an experience or people, leave reviews whenever you can because it matters! And more than extra trust from future customers it fills our hearts and encourages us to become even better for YOU!

Once again, thank you so much Liz! And thanks to all my wonderful customers who each year since the very beginning trusted me to create their cakes. Thank you for all the kind words and smiles, all the great reviews and referrals over the years - I noticed every one of them and they encouraged me to keep on growing and to never give up! Happy Cake exists because of you!

And on that note...

"If you are happy celebrate it with a cake.
If you are sad, eat cake and be happy!!" 

Thanks for reading this post and I hope it encouraged you to give someone a good review and some stars!!

If you’d like to get in touch, you can contact me via email or follow me on Instagram or  Facebook. You can also visit Happy Cake's website to find out more about what I do.

Have a happy day!!

Aline Larkin
